Hello and welcome back to the Optionpay academy. In this video we’re going to cover administrator controls, user creation and permission levels.
To access admin controls, first find the “Admin” dropdown in the navigation bar click on it, and then go to Manage Users.
**Please note that only an Administrator level user account will have access to this, so if you do not see this option, your user account does not have the required permission. **
Once here, you will see a list of current user accounts as well as the option to “Create a New User Account.” Let’s start here:
Once you click to create a new account, you will be taken to a new page and will see a number of blank fields.
All fields with the exception of “Email” and “Branch” are mandatory fields. Unless you have an account where you manage multiple locations, you do not need to worry about the “Branch” field.
Continue filling out the fields with First Name, Last Name, Employee Id and Username. Note that although employee id is a mandatory field, you do not need to use an actual employee Id unless you want to. For ease, I normally set this value to the same value as Username.
Next we have a drop down to select the permission level for the user we are creating. There are 7 options that we can choose from, each option allowing for different access:

The “Limited customer service rep” permission level allows for the creation and management of payment profiles, as well as the processing of payments for existing profiles. This does not, however, allow for the processing of live payments. With the exception of the payment profiles, this permission level is essentially a view-only permission level which allows the review of Transaction Reports, Daily Summary Reports, Cash Out Reports, and Transaction Comment repots.
The “Customer Service Rep” permission level is the same as the “Limited Rep” permission level but adds the ability to process live payment transactions.
The “Customer Service Rep +” permission level, again, is the same as above but additionally includes the ability to process refunds.
Now we are moving in to the “Manager” level permissions. Similarly to the Customer Service permission levels, each of the manager level permissions adds additional functionality to the previous levels.
Starting with the “Branch Manager Limited” permission, this allows for the processing of Live Payments, managing and creating invoices, and adds the ability to view additional reports like the Bank Rec Report, Detailed Bank Rec Report, Sales & Tax Tracking Repot, and the Failed Transactions report. This permission level does not, however, have access to Payment Profiles.
Next, we have the “Branch Manager” permission level. This is the same as above, with the added ability to view Payment profiles.
Following this is the “Area Manager” permission level. Again, this is the same as the previous permission level, with access to view Parent Account Transactions. This is only useful or applicable if you have an account that manages multiple locations. The “Area Manager” permission would allow the user to view transactions at different locations, as they would all fall under the “Parent Account Transactions”
The final permission level is “Administrator”, which provides full access to everything. As mentioned before, this will also unlock the “Admin” drop down in the Navigation Bar, and will allow this user to be able to create end edit, other user accounts and permissions.
Once the appropriate permission has been selected ensure the “Active” button is selected and scroll down to the password generation portion. From here, click on the button that says “Click here to generate a new random password”. When the password has populated, copy the password to provide to the user, select the button “I have copied this password to a safe place” and then click “Set Password” which will save the password to the user account, and then click on “Save” to complete the user setup. Once the user logs in, they can reset their password to something of their choosing.